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A collective investment account is an investment vehicle where multiple investors
pool their money together to invest in a range of securities or assets. These
investment accounts are managed by a professional fund manager or management
team, who are responsible for making investment decisions on behalf of the
account holders.
The investments can include stocks, bonds, property, or other assets, and the
returns generated by the investments are then distributed among the investors
in proportion to their stake in the account. Collective investment accounts can
take many different forms, including unit trusts, investment trusts, and
open-ended investment companies (OEICs).
These investment vehicles are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
in the UK to protect investors and ensure that they are managed in accordance
with the relevant rules and regulations. Collective investment accounts can be a
popular way for individuals to gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of
investments that they might not otherwise have access to or be able to afford on
their own.